
  • Use b4 to apply random patches locally for patch review.
  • Use lei to pull down emails and pathces you care about for all linux kernel mailinglists locally.
  • Use mutt to read that email and respond.
  • Use msmtp for sending email using your email server’s settings.

I hate our email based development model

There I said it. I’ve been doing this for 15 years and it sucks. I’m prone to putting my head down on problems and not looking at anything outside of that problem for days to weeks. When I look back at the mailinglists that I care about I’ve got hundreds of emails with tens to hundreds of patches that may or may not need my attention. We have a general problem with tracking the status of patches, and we’ve done some work in that regard with btrfs to help change that by instituting a GitHub based workflow to track patch status, but not everybody uses this.

In addition to being impossible to keep track of what’s going on and what’s important with so much email, there’s the fact that configuring a mail client to be linux mailinglist friendly is complete and utter bullshit. Thunderbird requires 15 different settings to be set just right in order to do the plaintext thing correctly, but still fucks up word wrapping for anybody not using Thunderbird. Claws is better in this regard, however there’s the second large problem, the email itself.

My setup is Gmail, and I’m subscribed to the main lists I care about as well as a few others. Over the years I’ve got labels with 100’s of thousands of emails. Do you know what claws does when I open it and set it up for the first time on a new machine? It hangs for 30 minutes to an hour while it chews through all those headers. Thunderbird is less shitty, but you can’t access any folders while it’s syncing. I then have to go through the client to unsubscribe to any folders I don’t care to see new emails for, and even then opening the “linux-btrfs” label if I’ve been gone for a few weeks takes minutes to sync and update.

Uh so why don’t you use offlineimap and mutt??

This would be a reasonable solution, but again maybe I’m stupid, but I’m subscribed to a lot of high volume lists. My poor hard drive would be dead after a year of running offlineimap. In addition to that I’m often not on the same machine, between my work laptop, personal laptop, various development machines, having a single place where my email goes simply isn’t practical. I used to configure mutt to use imap and connect to Gmail directly, but gmail has gone out of their way to make imap as shitty as possible, I would run into weird sync’ing problems when I tried to delete things, changing labels was a nightmare, and new emails would re-order my email while I was looking for things. It was death by 1000 cuts, eventually the frustration of dealing with these little annoying things daily took their toll and I simply abandoned the setup.

This still sounds like a personal problem?

It is, but let’s look at what we’re trying to accomplish here

  1. Apply patches to a tree to test, review, etc.
  2. Reply to patches with a review or respond to reviews of your own patches.
  3. Engage in technical discussion with your fellow developers.

For 1 this tends to be on a different machine than the one you’re viewing the patch on. That means you’re downloading an email, scp‘ing it to another machine, and applying it.

For 2 and 3 these are more normal email client style workflows where mutt works well, but all of the downsides of imap hurt us.

Enter b4, a glorious solution to problem #1

I’ve been using b4 for almost a year, and it is glorious. A fair bit of my time is devoted to patch review, so YMMV on how useful b4 is to you, but if you do any review at all it’s perfection. All you need is the Message-ID of the patch or patch series, and then you can use b4 to download the whole thing locally to an .mbox file to apply to your tree. You can simply run

b4 am <message-id>

and watch as it goes and finds all of the patches, applies any Reviewed-by’s and dumps it to a local .mbox file. If you are like me and want to get straight to the review part of the workflow, you can simply run

b4 am -o - <message-id> | git am

and it’ll download and apply the series to your local tree.

No more saving and copying around emails, just point it at a Message-ID and go. For Thunderbird there is a handy extension that gives you a Copy Message-id button on the email window, so you can click on the patch you care about, click the button, and then paste it into your terminal to quickly apply patch series.

Using lei so you can unsubscribe from every mailinglist

Admittedly this part is new and has some rough edges. When I tried to do this initially git was broken and I couldn’t download anything. However it has been working great for me for a few weeks

lei is a tool that can interface with in order to download email from any of the lists you care about. I’d highly recommend reading the slides here from Konstantin Ryabitsev, starting around slide 23 for the lei specific bits.

You can use this tool to setup a query using lore’s built in query language, described here, in order to customize your query to your particular tastes. For myself, I did the following

lei q -o ~/Mail/overlay -I
    -t 'dfn:fs/btrfs/* OR s:btrfs-progs OR dfn:drivers/block/nbd.c OR AND rt:1.month.ago..'

This gives me any patch that touches fs/btrfs, anything with the subject that matches btrfs-progs, anything that touches drivers/block/nbd.c, and then anything that I’m a direct recipient of. And I only go back a month.

Every morning I simply run

lei up ~/Mail/overlay

and that pulls down anything new that matches my query.

With this I don’t have to subscribe to any mailinglist, I’m always getting the emails I may care about, and I can stop filling up my gmail quota with emails I never look at.

If there’s some new email thread that I should be paying attention to or something I forgot to include, I can run

lei edit-search ~/Mail/overlay

and adjust the query as necessary. For example I forgot to include NBD patches in my initial query, so I added that to my list. You may need to delete the section

[external ""]
        lastresult = 1634566664

if you add new things so that it’ll pull any patches in your specified age range, which I needed to do to pull some older NBD patches that I needed to review.

Configuring mutt

I have exceedingly little patience for messing with tools. I want to do my work and not touch anything. My .muttrc from 10 years ago was a sight to behold, macros and color changes and UI tweaks, a complete masterpiece. I have no idea where that thing has gone, and I couldn’t tell you what a majority of those settings did today.

I want simplicity, I want to be able to look at what requires my attention, respond if I need to, ignore it if I don’t. I like mutt but configuring it gives me heartburn. To that end I wrote up a basic .muttrc that uses the lei setup, and incorporates the settings I care about with comments about what each section does so you can take and leave the parts of it you care about.

# Configure mutt to read from the lei maildir inbox
set mbox_type=Maildir
set folder="~/Mail/overlay"
set mbox="~/Mail/overlay"
set record="+.Sent"
set postponed="+.Drafts"
set spoolfile="~/Mail/overlay"

# Sort by threads so I can see wtf is going on
set sort="threads"
set strict_threads="yes"
set sort_browser="reverse-date"
set sort_aux="last-date-received"
set collapse_unread="yes"

# Lets me collapse fucking everything
bind index = collapse-all
bind index - collapse-thread

# Show Message-Id in the window
unignore Message-Id:

# Use msmtp to send email
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
set realname = "Josef Bacik"
set from = ""
set use_from = "yes"
set envelope_from = "yes"

# Use vim as my editor
set editor = "vim"

# Show the headers in the compose view
set edit_headers = "yes"

# Load my aliases
source ~/.mailrc

A nice, straightforward .muttrc that gets the job done. There are some other things I may tweak, but by-in-large this lets me do the job of replying to emails without making me want to throw my laptop.

Configuring msmtp

Everybody should be using msmtp. I’ve used it for years with git send-email, it’s easy to configure and simply works. You drop in a .msmtprc and point your tool at /usr/bin/mstmp and your job is done. My .msmtprc hasn’t changed in years except to update the password of my gmail account. You can find lots of examples to tie in keychains for GNOME, KDE, and even OSX. You can even skip adding the password to the config file and msmtp will prompt you for it when you try to send email. Simply google for how to set it up for your particular email setup and go from there, it’s very straightforward.

No more linux kernel email to my inbox!

With this workflow in place I unsubscribed from all of my linux kernel mailinglists and deleted all of my archives. Patch review is a breeze and replying to emails via mutt with my stripped down Maildir is so much more pleasant. I really hope that one day we’ll move to a more modern development model, one where we stop losing patches to the massive volume of email and reviewers can easily find patches that need to be reviewed without needing to dig through hundreds of emails to figure out what they’ve missed. This however gets me 80% of the way there, and frankly is good enough to keep me from quitting kernel development for the time being.