
  • We (the Btrfs team) have a new testing setup that uses GitHub actions, you can find the yml here.
  • Running fstests requires a two step process, one to build the kernel and deploy it onto the runners, then the step to run the tests on the runners.
  • The GitHub self hosted runner masks SIGPIPE, which is pretty necessary for any shell based testing, so you need a wrapper like the one provided below to keep things from breaking.

The old setup

We have a bunch of VM’s that run a variety of different configurations through fstests every night. It pulls our development branch, builds it, and kicks off the run. This is running on an Intel NUC on my desk, not exactly fast, it takes around 18 hours to run all the tests and get results. Of course all of the developers run fstests as part of their normal workflow, but this keeps us from missing anything as we put all the patchsets together.

These VM’s were setup with some random version of Fedora Rawhide around Fedora 30, so I haven’t been able to update them and they sometimes break. Additionally I’m the only one who can touch the machines, and the results are saved in a git tree, parsed and uploaded to my VPS machine so we can keep track of how everything is running.

For now this will continue to run, as we run the entire suite and it lets us keep track of what tests are potentially flakey.

The new setup

There’s a lot of flaws with the old setup, but one of the more annoying things is that only I can run it, and it’s automated via cron jobs. This means I can run some local tests for developers, but theres a small window I can run them in without taking the whole thing offline.

Now I have two machines, one that is x86 that runs the majority of the tests, and a Mac Studio running Asahi Linux for the subpage blocksize tests. When everything is working normally I can get a full run done in around 4.5 hours, which is a pretty drastic improvement over the old hardware.

Additionally we can now trigger the tests through pushes and pull requests. Developers can now get their code tested before they send it for review on a variety of configurations. Almost nobody has an ARM64 machine that is fast enough to run tests, so this gives us much better code coverage for work before it’s merged.

How is the system designed

Self hosted runners. Since we’re formatting disks and have special storage requirements it goes without saying we need self hosted runners. These fall into 2 categories.

  • Build and deploy. These are the ‘vmhost’ tagged machines. These are the boxes the VM’s are running in, the x86 machine and the Mac Studio. They’re going to build the kernels and deploy them onto the VM’s. The build/build-arm and the deploy/deploy-arm stages run in parallel.
  • fstests vms. These are the VMs that are going to actually run fstests. Each of them has all of the fstests configs for their respective vmhost type. This is the config_name in the matrix strategy. Once the VM’s are booted the runner will start and they’ll pick up the next job.

Setting up the VMs

Virtualization doesn’t work well out of the box in Linux, there’s a host of things that go wrong and weird little annoyances that making using it as the basis for anything a huge pain in the ass. I did this with Fedora 38 and libvirt, what I thought would be the most mature software stack and able to handle my very basic use case. This wasn’t necessarily the case, there were a whole host of annoying problems.

  • Guests created with the cloud image wouldn’t boot on reboot. There was some bug that kept them from booting normally once you installed a new kernel from a fresh boot. I had to use --uefi with virt-installer in order to get this to work.
  • Fedora 38 defaults to secure boot for uefi, this is broken. I’m trying to install custom built kernels, and for some reason doing the make install doesn’t do the appropriate signing or anything, so you have to disable secure boot to get these things to work. This required using the options

    --xml ./os/firmware/feature/@enabled=no
    --xml ./os/firmware/feature/@name=secure-boot

    with virt-installer do make sure secure boot was disabled.

  • User session will not work, don’t bother. We try to be nice and secure and not run things as root, unfortunately this appears to be completely untested and you run into all sorts of issues. Additionally virtiofs doesn’t currently work in user session, and this is important for getting the kernels installed.
  • You must (well mostly must) use virtiofs. The directory that GitHub actions checks out the kernel source is based on the hash, so it’s helpful to just live attach that directory to the VM after you’ve built the kernel so you can do the make modules_install && make install && reboot step, and then detach it after the fact. You cannot do this with 9pfs, however you could still make it work with 9pfs if you did something like the process below.
  • Live attaching virtiofs to VMs sometimes doesn’t work. This I’m not necessarily going to lay at libvirts feet, because it works fine with x86 but not with ARM64. I ended up having to attach the build directory to the VM with
    sudo virsh attach-device $VM_NAME --config <hand crafted xml file>

    and then shut the VM down and bring it back up, mount the directory in the vm, build and install the kernel and reboot. You can detach it live, but you cannot attach it live.

  • Building and installing custom kernels in Fedora sucks. Generally you want to just run make modules_install && make install && reboot and boot into the new kernel. Unfortunately Fedora doesn’t do this by default, you have to make sure to do
    echo 'UPDATEDEFAULT=yes"' > /etc/sysconfig/kernel

    to make sure the kernel you tell it to install is actually set to the default one on bootup.

That was all the problems Josef, what about actually getting the things to work?? Well that’s pretty straightforward

  • Make some qcow2 images or LV’s for disks. We’re going to need disks to use for fstests. For Btrfs we need 10 to test all the various RAID levels and utilize things like the tree log. This is fairly straightforward, get the disks how you like, I used an extra disk with LV’s on the x86 machine and then just qcow2 images for the ARM64 machine, and attach them to the VM.
  • Checkout and build fstests. Again, simple enough. Additionally you will want to create a local.config with all of the test sections you’ll be using on the VM’s in this VM host. This way they can each run any config. I would recommend setting

    for each config section so that TEST_DEV matches the configuration you need.

  • Create a no password SSH key to install into the VMs. This will allow the VM host to run commands and such via scripts.

Most of these tips and tricks are encapsulated in my scripts that you can find here.

Running fstests from GitHub Actions

The virtualization thing wasn’t the onlyh part that tripped me up. fstests is a series of shell scripts, and it relies on the following behavior

some command | another command > something else

If you are like me and haven’t really ever thought of the mechanism of how this works, let me introduce you to SIGPIPE. When we’re redirecting output into another command and that command finishes, it exits, which closes the pipe. The command providing the input then gets SIGPIPE and exits, and everybody is happy.

If you are a network based application you don’t want to get killed with SIGPIPE, you’d rather get -EPIPE when you read from the socket, so you disable SIGPIPE. Disabling SIGPIPE is one of those fun things that gets inherited by fork(), so fstests will get called with SIGPIPE disabled, and all sorts of things will begin to break.

There’s no easy way around this, the GitHub runner gets launched (on Linux anyway) via node.js, which of course disables SIGPIPE by default. However you can’t really turn it back on without attaching a signal handler to the signal, which is overkill for what we want.

What would be ideal is if the runner itself were to fork() and then unmask SIGPIPE before execve()‘ing the script. However the runner is written in C#, and C# doesn’t know what SIGPIPE is, so it makes this impossible.

Enter unfuck-signal.c. You must wrap fstests around this, as it does the necessary thing to unmask SIGPIPE and allow everything to work properly. As indicated above, it’s just a wrapper that calls fork(), unmasks SIGPIPE and then execs whatever was passed into it. It’s pasted below, I just build it and copy it into the fstests directory on all of the VMs

#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        pid_t child;

        if (argc == 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Must specify a command to run");
                return 1;

        child = fork();
        if (child < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't fork");
                return 1;

        if (child) {
                int wstatus;

                if (WIFEXITED(wstatus))
                        return WEXITSTATUS(wstatus);
                if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus))
                return 1;

        signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
        printf("argv[1] is %s\n", argv[1]);
        return execvp(argv[1], argv+1);

ci.yml explanation

I found the GitHub actions YML part pretty straightforward, but I’ll break down the different parts to explain how it all works

    branches: [ "master", "ci" ]
    branches: [ "master", "ci" ]

Easy enough, tells us when we trigger the GitHub action. Now keep in mind for our tree our master branch is just a mirror of Linus’s tree, so the ci.yml file actually only exists in the ci branch, so you have to do the PR against that branch for it to work.

    runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, x64, vmhost]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: copy system config
      run: $
    - name: make olddefconfig
      run: make olddefconfig
    - name: make
      run: make -j32

This is build, build-arm is the same thing but specifies the ARM machine, this is how you tell it which self hosted runner to use. The uses part is the built in git checkout action, is local to the vm host and copies the kernel’s .config into place so it can be built. This is obviously different between the x86 and ARM machine. The rest is just the typical “build the kernel” steps.

    runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, x64, vmhost]
    needs: build
        vm: [xfstests5, xfstests6, xfstests7, xfstests8, xfstests9, xfstests10]
    - name: update btrfs-progs
      run: ${{ matrix.vm }}
    - name: update xfstests
      run: ${{ matrix.vm }}
    - name: update kernel
      run: ${{ matrix.vm }} ${{ github.workspace }}

This runs the deploy on each of the VM’s controlled by the x86 vmhost, you can see in the actual file there’s another version of this for the ARM system that has different VM names. Each of these scripts are in my virt-scripts, though the is different on ARM to do the shutdown dance as described above. We update btrfs-progs in each VM from git, do the same with xfstests, and then install the kernel onto the VM’s. waits for the VM to boot before completing, this is important because you want the VM able to take the next set of jobs.

    runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, x64, vm]
    needs: deploy
        working-directory: /root/fstests
      fail-fast: false
        config_name: [btrfs_normal, btrfs_compress, btrfs_holes_spacecache, btrfs_holes_spacecache_compress, btrfs_block_group_tree]
    - name: run xfstests
      run: ./unfuck-signal ./check -E EXCLUDE -R xunit -s ${{ matrix.config_name }} -g auto
    - name: generate report
      uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v3
      if: success() || failure()
        report_paths: /root/fstests/results/${{ matrix.config_name }}/result.xml

This is the bread and butter. We have fstests checked out in /root/fstests, and the local.config already exists with section names that match config_name. We run fstests with the wrapper, we have an EXCLUDE file in our fstests git tree to exclude any flakey tests so we can get nice clean runs. We’re using the option that generates an xUnit xml results file. I’m using the action-junit-report thing because it was the only thing I could find that would properly parse our silly xUnit format.

All in all relatively straightforward, honestly this was the easiest part of this whole endeavour.


There was a lot more effort in setting all this up than I would have liked, but in the end we have a nice system in place for running fstests on demand. The next steps are to integrate this with our performance testing to have that launched on demand as well instead of the nightly runs. Eventually we would like to move the hardware into something like AWS or GCE and out of my basement, but given the two step nature of the run that may be a while before I feel like tackling that.